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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Healthy Nail Guide

You want to be perfectly groomed - your hair is never out of place, your face shines, make-up dare not smudge but one look at your nails, and they go "Eeeww"!! Those ugly, chipped nails can ruin it all.

If you thought getting dainty and pretty nails is difficult, you can’t be more wrong.
Follow this nail care guide for pretty nails ( also next 2 days):

Feed your way

Your nails and hair is an indicator of how healthy your body is. Nutritionists recommend including calcium in your diet along with other vitamins and minerals.

"Eat calcium-rich food like turnips, ragi, dry lotus stem and cow’s milk. You could take calcium supplements though it is better to get your calcium naturally."

Include plenty of nuts in your diet since they provide natural oils for the skin and nails. Soya protein will get you healthy nails. One can have it in the form of milk and tofu.