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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Watch what you eat!

You may have tried all types of weight-loss diets. You huff and puff in the gym and still don't manage to knock out those extra pounds. So where exactly are you going wrong? Are you making any of the following diet mistakes?

It leads to over-eating during lunch because you've been starving yourself. Have a healthy breakfast to give you the energy to begin your day.

Crash diets do not last long and crash big-time! There is no magic formula to lose weight in a jiffy. Crash diets do not constitute a proper balanced diet, which keep you low on energy and also irritable.

These bars are sometimes loaded with artificial sweeteners that can be harmful to your body in the long run.

People think they lose even more weight after their workout if hungry. In reality, you lack energy for your workout and thus, don't indulge in a proper exercise regime.

You feel good about yourself that you workout religiously. But when you're at work, you constantly eat at your desk. Whether its a bag of chips, chivda, chocolate-chip cookies, a generous piece of a colleague's birthday cake or guzzling cups of coffee. This kind of unchecked snacking is unhealthy.

It's important to eat before exercising to give you energy to perform. But, it's also important that you don't starve yourself for a long period after workout. You need to replenish you body for the wear and tear it has been through during the workout. Eat a healthy meal after sufficient time.

This will only get you dehydrated, which leads to your metabolism slowing down. People who consume enough water tend to burn more calories. It is recommended that you drink at least eight to 10 glasses everyday.

Cheese, ice-creams and chocolate milkshakes are not signs of a healthy diet. However, eliminating dairy products altogether is not a wise decision. Your body needs calcium to strengthen your bones, especially if you workout religiously. Calcium is largely derived from dairy products. Opt for low-fat milk, curds and paneer instead.

Just because you exercise regularly doesn't mean you can feast on junk food all the time, without worrying. Exercise won't benefit you much if you stuff your body with garbage. Exercise alone is not sufficient, you need to maintain a healthy, balanced diet comprising whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Skipping carbs completely from your diet is again unhealthy. Your body needs some amount of carbohydrates for a good workout. Include whole grains based foods like whole wheat bread or chapatis to maintain that carb-quotient.

What’s the best drink of all?

Start your day with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice for a dose of Vitamin C

People often say that it is difficult to drink enough fluids throughout the day as most of them do not want to interrupt their work by getting up to fill their bottle. Then there are those who, simply forget to drink water!

But, here, what most of them tend to forget is that our body is comprised of 50 to 60 per cent of water and needs to be replenished on a daily basis. Generally, eight glasses of fluids per day is recommended by medicos but this varies greatly according to the exercise level and diet that the individual follows.

And then, of course, there are those who insist on gulping down a lot of water just to meet the eight glasses per day guideline. For them, it is important to sip fluids slowly throughout the day to maximise the absorption.

Beverages to drink

Water :
One should either drink warm water or water at room temperature. If you have existing digestive problems, cold water can just make it worse.Make sure that you use a good water purifier. Squeeze lemon, wedges into your water for a good flavour.

Herbal teas :
Caffeine-free herbal teas are an excellent form of fluids. Peppermint, chamomile, and caraway in particular improve digestion and reduce bloating. You can also go for green tea.

Vegetable juice :
Vegetable juices are a great way of getting your daily dose of vegetables and fluids. Avoid canned juices and vegetable cocktails that contain high levels of salt. Celery, wheatgrass, cucumber, fennel, parsley, and other non-starchy vegetables are some excellent choices. Carrots tend to be sweet, so be sure to drink carrot juice in moderation. If you enjoy the taste of vegetable juice, a home juicer is essential for you.

Smoothies :
 A smoothie, made of a combination of fresh or frozen fruits, a scoop of protein powder and skim milk, is a great way to start the day. If you are used to coffee or something sweet in the morning, you may find that a power smoothie gives you more sustained energy.

Fruit juices :
In general, it is better to eat fruit than drink it. In liquid form, the sugar in the fruit juice is absorbed into the bloodstream relatively quickly. So, it is better to try diluting fruit juice with water — one part unsweetened fruit juice to one to three parts of water. Choose fruits that are not high in sugar content.

Decaffeinated coffee :

 Coffee as a rule isn't the best drink and can dehydrate you. If you like to drink decaf, make sure that it is water processed. And use a small amount of milk if necessary, but keep minimum sugar, honey or artificial sweeteners in the coffee. Drink water after to keep yourself hydrated.