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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Stop fooling yourself - III


It's my medication
You can't risk your health by stopping the pills. So what can you do if they make you gain weight?

The facts
Many drugs for common complaints, such as depression, diabetes, migraines and high blood pressure, can lead to unintentional weight gain.

Beat it
First, ask your doctor if there's an alternative that doesn't cause weight gain. In cases where this isn't possible, ask to see a dietician. 

It's in my genes
Obesity runs in the family. So, it's not your fault if you are obese too.

The facts
While it's possible to inherit obesity, it's not a dominant gene. Your chances of being overweight are affected more significantly by eating habits you adopt when growing up.

Beat it
If there's a family tendency to being fat, it's important to learn about healthy eating when young and get regular exercise.

1 comment:

  1. sorry for the late posting it but it was a technical fault all over the world
    so cant help


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