It's my hormones
The mysterious world of hormones gets the blame for all manner of things – including your weight gain.
The facts
Women with polycystic ovaries may find their weight hard to control. Also, PMS can impact a woman's weight, as rising progesterone and serotonin levels affect mood and food choices.
Beat it
Don't overeat in the week before your period; beat the urge to have salty, spicy food. When you feel less hungry afterwards, make sure you go back to eating sensibly.
I've got a slow metabolism
Some people seem to eat loads and never gain weight, whereas you pile it on and always feel tired. It must be a case of slow metabolism.
The facts
The vast majority of overweight people do not have a dysfunctional metabolism. If you are very active, you will have a high metabolism and burn lots of calories. If you're not, you will have a slow metabolism.
Beat it
Being active and eating nutritious foods like lean meat and vegetables boosts metabolism.