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Friday, February 10, 2012

Ten steps to a healthier life

Simple lifestyle changes can take you towards a fitter and more beautiful you...

1. Exercise daily and stay active always

Go for the simple ways to stay active - avoid using the lifts and escalators, instead hit the stairs. Do household chores, take your dog for a walk, play with your children, siblings. Even a rigorous dance routine can help you - go clubbing with friends and dance the night away.

The best thing about exercising is that it not only keeps you healthy and fit it also keeps stress at bay.

Working out is essential for everyone. "If you are pregnant, have arthritis, are recovering form an injury or searching for variety in your workout programs, then you can opt for water-exercising."

2. Eat right and stay beautiful
Making healthy choices in your diet is the beginning of a fit body. Skipping meals due to work and opting for unhealthy fast food option later is wrong.Eating smaller helpings is wise and having more than three meals a day is another thing that people should remember.The amount of water you drink in a day is also important. Drinking less water is the big mistake. "It's a misconception that drinking a lot of water causes water-retention."Avoiding fried foods, burgers and processed meats is important. Dairy products such as cheese and cream could be eaten in low fat versions. Staying off mayonnaise, butter and sauces in your sandwiches.

3. Make 'No Smoking' your motto
We all know how harmful smoking is and it is time we started taking it seriously. You don't want cancer and other life-threatening diseases, do you? We know it is tough to give up but then once you make up your mind stick to it. Take it slow. Reduce your intake every single day. Set a goal of 'not more than one a day and then go on to 'not more than one a month' and soon you will see that you are leading a smoke-free life. Smoking, even when it is passive smoking, is enough to harm your health.

4. Break up with stress!

Practicing yoga asanas in our daily lives can help. It not only keeps your body fit and active but it also helps to keep your mind active and alert.".

5. Beware of pollution
This can be a challenge but you can always try and avoid highly polluted areas. Keep your surrounding green.

6. Stay away from binge drinking
Yes, occasional glass of wine can help protect against heart disease but if you keep guzzling bottles and don't know when to stop then you are inviting serious trouble. Have mercy on your liver!

7. Think positive
Having a positive outlook towards life is essential.

8. Spend quality time with friends and family
It is said that when you are spending happy moments with your family and friends then it reflects on your well-being. There is a certain feeling of catharsis.

9. Sleep well
Adequate sleep can work wonders for your physical as well as mental health. Problems like feeling irritated and grumpy to suffering from body ache and restlessness can be due to lack of proper sleep.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Whether you want to cure large pores or reduce acne and rashes or sooth a nasty sunburn or simply to revive the glow on dull skin, tomatoes are beneficial in many homemade beauty treatments.

Not only do tomatoes taste great but they also keep the skin healthy. It is necessary to consume tomatoes as they have lycopene, which is an antioxidant and hence works as a sunscreen from within. These antioxidants make tomato an anti-aging product as they help in fighting cellular damage and reddening of skin. It is recommended to have at least 16 milligrams of lycopene per day as they reduce the number of free radicals in the body and also help to retain the moisture in people who are used to sitting in air-conditioned environs. You don't need to spend your hard-earned money on expensive cosmetic treatments if you follow these simple steps to get healthy-looking skin:

Big pores? Shrink Them
Big pores provide easy access to dirt and grime thus increasing the chances of infecting the pore. Take a tablespoon of fresh tomato juice. Add two to four drops of fresh lime juice to this. Use a cotton ball to apply this mixture on your face. Massage it in circular motions. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and then wash off with cool water. Regular application will shrink pores greatly.

Acne healing
The acidity in tomatoes helps in reducing and clearing up your acne. Vitamin A and vitamin C are commonly found in a lot of acne medicines and tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K. If you have mild acne, cut a tomato in half and apply the inside on your face. For severe acne mash a fresh tomato and use the pulp as a pack on the face. Leave it on for an hour. Rinse it off and moisturise. Do this on a regular basis or as many times as you can. Your acne is bound to dry off soon.

If you have oily skin and struggle to keep your face from shining like a fried papad, tomato is the solution to your agony. Crush a fresh tomato and strain it. Make a little cucumber juice and add it to the tomato juice. Apply this juice with a cotton ball daily to control excessive oiliness and acne.

Good to eat, great to clean
A tomato and avocado mask works wonders on combination skin. This is because tomato works as an astringent as well as a blackhead and oil-reducing agent while avocados have an antiseptic and moisturising effect. A pack of mashed tomatoes and avocados help in soothing and cleansing combination skin (oily and dry), as they are rich in vitamin A, C and E. Apply this pack and wash off after 20 o 30 minutes with lukewarm water.

Burns no more
Summer is fast approaching and with harsh summer comes burnt, inflamed skin. A lot of people's skin gets sunburnt, raw and itchy due to exposure to the sun. Crush half a tomato and mix it with two tablespoons of plain yogurt. Apply this concoction on face, neck, hands and feet. Wash it off after 20 minutes. Tomato cools the skin and neutralises the surface while yogurt gives it a much needed protein boost while leaving it soft and supple.

Glowing skin
Mix honey with tomato juice until you get a thick paste. Apply this mixture and wash off after 15 minutes for smooth and glowing skin.